Monday, June 5, 2023

One Man's Maple Moon: Ink Stain Tanka by Michael Dylan Welch

English Original

ink stain
on the pillow slip --
what else but write
can I do
while you’re gone

Tangled Hair, 2, 2000

Michael Dylan Welch

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

在枕套上 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

在枕套上 --

Bio Sketch

Michael Dylan Welch is the founder of the Tanka Society of America (2000), and co-founder of Haiku North America conference (1991) and the American Haiku Archives (1996). In 2010 he also started National Haiku Writing Month (NaHaiWriMo), which takes place every February, with an active Facebook page. His personal website is, which features hundreds of essays, reviews, reports, and other content, including examples of his published poetry.

1 comment:

  1. Michael's tanka effectively builds, poetic phrase (ku)/line by poetic phrase (ku)/line, to a thematically significant and emotionally powerful ending that reveals the theme of writing as a way of easing the pain of loneliness (as indicated in Ls 3-5, the last of which has the most weight)

    And the following tanka could be read as a sequel:

    waking half way
    through the day
    half the sunshine
    half the pain
    -- still time for a poem

    Little Purple Universes, 2011

    Helen Buckingham
