Thursday, July 27, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Morning Mist Haiku by Kanchan Chatterjee

English Original

morning mist ...
beyond it, the cry
of a quail
Presence, 64, 2019

Kanchan Chatterjee

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

晨霧 ...
在它之外的遠處, 一隻鵪鶉

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

晨雾 ...
在它之外的远处, 一只鹌鹑

Bio Sketch

Kanchan Chatterjee writes haiku, tanka and haibun, and has won several international awards. He has been published regularly in various online haiku and other poetry journals. His haiku appeared regularly in NHK’, Japan's "Haiku Masters." His poems were featured in a few Indian poetry anthologies, such as Beyond the Fields. His first book of haiku, Scattered Leaves, was published in January, 2020.

1 comment:

  1. Justaposed with visually and emotionally evocative and symbolically rich L1, this distinctive 3–4 note call of a quail (when separated from covey members) in Ls 2&3 effectively conveys a sense of melancholy.
