Monday, July 17, 2023

One Man's Maple Moon: Land Snail Tanka by Susan Weaver

English Original

under my daffodils
a land snail
stretches forward, forward
pearly house on its back ...
I forget my burdens

“Tanka of Flowing Tranquility,” Atlas Poetica, 2019

Susan Weaver

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

向前伸展, 向前伸展
珍珠色的房子在它的背上 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

向前伸展, 向前伸展
珍珠色的房子在它的背上 ...

Bio Sketch

After a career as a magazine journalist specializing in bicycling and active travel, Susan Weaver began writing tanka in 2009. Her work appears regularly in Moonbathingred lightsRibbons, and elsewhere, and she is tanka prose editor of Ribbons. She lives in Pennsylvania with her landscape-painter husband and two cats.

1 comment:

  1. Unexpected yet thematically significant and psychologically powerful L5 makes this "snail vs man" tanka emotionally effective as poetic food for thought.

    And Susan's tanka remind me of the following one:

    one snail
    found in the morning
    slowly and gently
    I become happy
    and kind to everyone

    Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka, 2, 2010

    Kozue Uzawa

    FYI: A land snail can reach up to 20 cm (8 inches) in length and 10 cm (4 inches) in maximum diameter. This "pearly house on its back" is a "heavy burden."
