Saturday, August 12, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Tulip Haiku by Jane Reichhold

English Original

the azure sky
in a field of flowers
one tulip

Frogpond, 23:3, Autumn, 2000

Jane Reichhold

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch 
Jane Reichhold was born as Janet Styer in 1937 in Lima , Ohio , USA . She had published over thirty books of haiku, renga, tanka, and translations. Her latest tanka book, Taking Tanka Home was translated into Japanese by Aya Yuhki. Her most popular book is Basho The Complete Haiku by Kodansha International. As founder and editor of AHA Books, Jane also published Mirrors: International Haiku ForumGeppo, for the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, and she had co-edited with Werner Reichhold, Lynx for Linking Poets since 1992. Lynx went online in 2000 in the web site Jane started in 1995. Since 2006 she had maintained an online forum – AHAforum

1 comment:

  1. This is a fine example of employing the technique of narrowing focus in this cinematic haiku with a visual focus on one tulip. The haiku starts with a wide-angle lens on the "azure sky" in L1, then switches to a normal lens for a "field of flowers" in L2, and zooms in for a close-up of "one tulip" in L3. This close-up image of one tulip in a filed of flowers under the azure sky is visually evocative and symbolically rich.

    And it might be thematically and technically interesting to do a comparative reading of the following two tulip haiku:

    storm clouds the inside of a tulip

    Honorable Mention, 2015 World Haiku Contest

    Julie Warther
