Sunday, August 13, 2023

One Man's Maple Moon: Whirling News Tanka by M. Kei

English Original

the world outside,
full of the whirling news
of destruction ...
but inside,
this cup of tea

2013 Best of the Best Tanka, Lyrical Passion Poetry E-Zine

M. Kei

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

的新聞 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

的新闻 ...

Bio Sketch

M. Kei is a tall ship sailor and award-winning poet who lives on Maryland’s Eastern shore. He is the editor of Atlas Poetica: A Journal of World Tanka. His most recent collection of poetry is January, A Tanka Diary. He is also the author of the award-winning gay Age of Sail adventure novels, Pirates of the Narrow Seas. He can be followed on Twitter @kujakupoet, or visit

1 comment:

  1. A clear contrast is drawn between the world outside, L1 (full of the whirling news / of destruction..., Ls 2&3) and inside the N's room, L4 (this cup of tea, L5), underlining the differences, thematic, visual, emotional, and most importantly, sociopolitical. And evaluated in the thematic context of armed conflict as implied from Ls 2&3, L5 effectively embodies this calming symbol of peace and leisure.

    However, what's left unsaid in the tanka is whether or not the destruction/violence will spill over into a "room of one's own." This "reader takeaway/the unanswered question" reminds me of Beady Eye's "World Outside My Room:"

    I wake up smiling in my little Eden, pay no heed to the world outside
    Take my medication and hide
    Whose been smoking cherry cola, somebody trying to live the dream
    I rattle as I reach to dust the screen

    Out the door it might be snowing in my world it's always June
    I don't believe in the world outside my room
    Television and dusty windows, fill my head with a happy tune
    I don't believe in the world outside my room
    I don't believe in the world outside my room

    And my tanka below could be read as a sequel/personal response to Kei's:

    night news on mute ...
    I look out at the stars
    breathe in
    the silence of a world
    longing for tenderness

    Tanka Origins, 4, 2020
