Friday, November 10, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Socks Knitting Haiku by Ken Sawitri

English Original

socks knitting
mother unravels the reasons
for war

Seashores, 4, April 2020

Ken Sawitri

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Born in Blora, Central Java, Indonesia, Ken Sawitri completed a psychology degree at Universitas Indonesia in 1993. She wrote for the Psychology & Education section of Ayahbunda Magazine from 1995 to 1998. She now writes haiku for Japanese and other international haiku publications.  She dedicates her haiku for her motherland on Listen, The Spice Whispers; Haiku from Indonesian Archipelago.

1 comment:

  1. The jux. of care for one's beloved one and the cause of mass deaths/destruction is thought-provoking and emotionally poignant.

    And this haiku could be read as a prequel/sequel, which depends on the reader's view of "patriotism" in times of "crisis," to my tanka below:

    Bush stood proudly
    under Mission Accomplished
    I recall
    that lingering smell
    of my friend's patriot socks

    NeverEnding Story, October 29, 2020
