Friday, January 19, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Refugee Boat Haiku by Nicole Pottier

English Original

caressing waves  --
in the refugee boat
unborn child
Honorable Mention, 20th Mainichi Haiku Contest

Nicole Pottier

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

海浪輕柔地拍打 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

海浪轻柔地拍打 --

Bio Sketch

Nicole Pottier lives in Normandy, France. Her haiku poems and photo-poems have been published in many languages. She’s a member of the board of The Haiku journal, edited by the  Romanian Society of Haiku, and a redactor for the magazine, Albatross, published by the Haiku Society of Constanta.

1 comment:

  1. Thematically and structurally speaking, L3 funtions like a cliffhanger ending of this middle-of-the-story refugee boat haiku.

    A hint of hope for this "unborn child's life (synecdoche for the fate of refugees on the boat, L2") is given by this gentle image of L1, "caressing/not raging" waves.

    And my haiku below could be read as a sequel to Nicole's:

    written for World Refugee Day

    sunlight flickers
    in a newborn's eyes
    refugee convoy

    Modern Haiku, 49:2, Summer 2018
