Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Skylark's Song Haiku by André Surridge

English Original

holding my breath
the length
of a skylark's song

Second Prize, Robert Frost Haiku Contest, 2007

André Surridge 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

André Surridge was an award-winning playwright and poet who immigrated to New Zealand from Yorkshire, England in 1972. He was President of the Playwrights Association of New Zealand from 1998-2000. Widely published, some of his awards included: 1995 Minolta Playwriting Award,  2007 Elizabeth Searle Lamb Award, 2008 Tanka Splendor Award, and 2010 Jane Reichhold International prize. And his first collection of haiku ans senryu, one hundred petals, was critically acclaimed in 2019.

1 comment:

  1. Unexpected yet audiotorily and emotionally evocative L3 makes this haiku effective about the human oneness (Ls 1&2) with nature (symbolized in the form of birdsong, L3)

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of my haiku below:

    the blue expanse
    in a child refugee's eyes
    skylark's song

    Third Prize, Second International Haiku Contest for the Award “Radmila Bogojevic", 2018
