Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Sun-Warmed Stone Haiku by Kristen Deming

English Original

as if his hand
remained in my hand --
sun-warmed stone

plum afternoon,  2017

Kristen Deming

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

仍停留在我手裡 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

仍停留在我手里 --

Bio Sketch

Kristen Deming was an accomplished haiku poet and lover of literature. Her haiku collection, Plum Afternoon was a finalist in the Haiku Society of America's Merit Book Award in 2017. As a past president of the Haiku Society of America and active member in the haiku community in Japan for many years, one of Kristen's enduring contributions to the haiku communities around the world was a weekly poetry column in the Japan Times called "Haiku Moments" that she co-wrote with a Japanese colleague for six years, helping to open the world of haiku to English speakers and to give glimpses of Japanese culture through the lens of haiku. 

1 comment:

  1. The implied simile established between the two parts of the haiku conveys a great sense of loss because the situation in Ls 1&2 is imaginary (as indicated by the conjunction "as if" )
