Monday, June 3, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Beach Pebbles Haiku by Denis M. Garrison

English Original

beach pebbles ...
these jagged black rocks
once were shrapnel 

Magnapoets, 6, July 2010

Denis M. Garrison

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

沙灘上的鵝卵石 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

沙滩上的鹅卵石 ...

Bio Sketch

Denis M. Garrison was born in Iowa, USA, and his childhood was spent in Japan, youth in Europe, Africa and western Pacific. His poetry’s widely published. Garrison’s print collections include First Winter Rain,Eight Shades of BlueHidden RiverSailor in the Rain and Other Poems, and Fire Blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. The contrasts, natural vs man-made, present vs past, peaceful vs violent, ... between the two parts of the haiku are thematically significant and visually nd emotionally powerful.

    A sociopolitically conscious haiku for us to think about how to re/act during a time of crisis.

    ... they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more...
    — Isaiah 2:3–4

    And the following haiku could be read as its sequel:

    all that remains --
    dreams of jungle,
    sand, sky

    Kamesan’s World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Rights Violations, 2013

    Marilyn Hazelton
