Monday, September 16, 2024

A Room of My Own: Eviction Notice Tanka

Re-Homing in the Maple Land, XXIX

eviction notice
crumpled in my hand
I stare long
at a pile of manuscripts
in the room's far corner


a little kick
under her left ribcage --
our wedding
will be seven months
and one book away

Added: Game Show, 2024, LXV

the mural
of Trump in a Rambo pose 
surrounded by pets 
in the unseasonal heat ...
my pitbull cocks its leg

FYI: Roxane Gay, The New Yorker, September 17: The Haitian Question: The history of Haitian immigration to the United States is that of politicians on both sides of the aisle fighting to keep Haitians out of the country, with equal cruelty.

As the Haitians in Springfield bear the intense scrutiny of the world, their hopes for a good life are dwindling. Trump and Vance, with their comments, have brought a renewed and naked contempt for Haitians into contemporary American discourse. They have legitimatized this bigotry.


the tendrils
of morning sunlight
blooming wisteria


shifting hues
of summer twilight
her talk of love


I inch my car
through snarled-up traffic
a v of geese

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, XCVIII: "cloudsofsmoke"



smoky darkness ...
scream after scream the reasons why
all blow away 

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