Sunday, September 15, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Autumn Trail Haiku by George Dorsty

English Original

making way
for others
-- autumn trail

Making Way, 2004

George Dorsty 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

-- 秋天小徑

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

-- 秋天小径

Translation resul

Bio Sketch

George Dorsty was an esteemed English teacher and a published poet, preferring the sensibility and deceptive complexity of Japanese Haiku. He published four works of his own, the last being the collection, the birds sing anyway, in 2019. 

1 comment:

  1. This understated haiku is not only a nice nod to Basho, but also reveals something about the N's character through the action of Ls 1&2.

    And the following haiku could be read as a sequel to George's:

    dusting off a trail map:
    the edge
    of winter

    Second Prize, Kusamakura Haiku Contest 2005

    Paul Pfleuger Jr.
