Friday, September 27, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Cliff's Edge Haiku by Chuck Brickley

English Original

a car 
at the cliff's edge
the Milky Way
Chuck Brickley

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

A native San Franciscan, Chuck Brickley lived in rural British Columbia for 35 years. His book of haiku, earthshine, won the THF Touchstone Award for Distinguished Books 2017; the HSA Merit Book Award 2017, Honorable Mention; and the inaugural Marianne Bluger Book Award 2020, Honourable Mention. His haibun,“Is Where The Car Is," was nominated for a Pushcart Prize 2018, and another haibun, "A Banishing," received a Sonders Best Small Fiction Award nomination, 2019

1 comment:

  1. Within such a short space of 9 words and 10 syllables, this haiku offers a middle-of-the-story of suspense infused with concrete and visually and emotionally evocative imagery.

    Why a car parked at the cliff's edge/Ls 1&2 under the milky way/L3 ?

    Stargazing alone, attempting suicide but amazed by brilliant starry skies, ....

    For wharever reasons, the following haiku could be read as a sequel to Chuck's:

    pulling light
    from the other world ...
    the Milky Way

    Yatsuka Ishihara who once claimed, "A haiku should present the truth as if it were fiction, " at the 1995 HSA-HI Chicago Conference.
