Sunday, July 12, 2015

Butterfly Dream: Mermaid Haiku by John McManus

English Original

tail-end of summer
I fall in love
with a mermaid

Modern Haiku, 44:3, Fall 2013

John McManus

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

John McManus is a poet from Carlisle, Cumbria, England. His haiku and senryu have appeared in various journals all over the world. He currently works as a support worker for people with mental health issues. In his spare time he enjoys watching films, sharing poetry with friends and spending time with his family.

1 comment:

  1. John's mermaid haiku is a good example of employing the technique of "introspective shaping" (shaping the scenery of the human mind), which was promoted by Yatsuka Ishihara (for more info., see yesterday's post, Dark Wings of Night: Yatsuka Ishihara and His Theory of Introspective Shaping,

    A haiku should present the truth as if it were fiction.

    And L3, with a "mermaid," which provides a scent link (in Basho's sense of the phrase) to L1, "tail-end" of summer, effectively adds symbolic significance and emotional weight (of longing) to the poem.
