Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Butterfly Dream: Game of Cards Haiku by Keitha Keyes

English Original

game of cards --
a bid of No Trumps
said with gusto

Failed Haiku, 2:16,  April 2017

Keitha Keyes

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

紙牌遊戲 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

纸牌游戏 --

Bio Sketch

Keitha Keyes lives in Sydney, Australia in a small house decorated with ship models, antique irons and trivets. And a cocker spaniel. Her retirement would be very empty without the lure of writing tanka, haiku, cherita and other poetry.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the theme while combined with the use of double entendre and capitalization, Ls 2&3 greatly enhance the "hai" aspect of the haiku.

    A fine timely and sociopolitically conscious haiku!
