Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Special Feature: Selected Christmas Haiku

My Dear Friends:

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright ...

In celebration of the Christmas season, I am happy to share with you a set of selected Christmas haiku:

skid-row Santa
humming silent night ...
his dog calm and quiet

Chen-ou Liu

Christmas Eve --
the sound of one star

C. P. Harrison

toll booth lit for Christmas --
from my hand to hers
warm change

Michael Dylan Welch

Christmas Eve ...
a wooden Jesus
and its shadow

Chen-ou Liu

Christmas morning ...
an ice angel's wings
bending the light

Rebecca Drouilhet

Christmas songs
the loneliness

Pamela A. Babusci

Christmas night
the silence behind
the wind

Jerry Kilbride

boxing day
the flapping of plastic bags
caught on a branch

Elliot Nicely

an old argument
the Christmas lights

Ben Moeller-Gaa

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