Sunday, November 21, 2021

One Man's Maple Moon: Words of Love Tanka by Elehna de Sousa

English Original

words of love
and promises never kept --
tossing another
empty shell
back into the sea

Gusts, 30, Fall/Winter 2019

Elehna de Sousa 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

和從未兌現的承諾 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

和从未兑现的承诺 --

Bio Sketch

Elehna de Sousa was born and raised in Hong Kong. She came to Canada in 1967 for higher studies and has stayed every since. Formerly a psychotherapist, she now is active in the world of mixed-media art, photography and short form Japanese poetry. She currently lives on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia where her creativity is nurtured by the quietude and beauty of her living environment, surrounded by forest and sea. In 2005, she published a limited edition book of photography and haiku, A Shower of Blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. This is a visually evocative and emotionally poignant poetic exploration of "stimulus and response."

    And there is an implicit comparison (maybe a simile) established between the bookended lines of this heartfelt tanka: "words of love" and the "sea."

    One question still remains: how to throw away hurt feelings so they don't come back

    And the concluding tanka of my tanka prose below could be read as a sequel to Elehna's:


    When I first tasted her kiss, it was like spring water coming from the green slopes of a hill. For six years, her succulent words quenched my thirst. Now, the spring of our life starts to run dry.

    she tells a lie
    to conceal another
    at the banquet
    I stack oyster shells
    one inside the other
