Thursday, December 2, 2021

Butterfly Dream: Galleon and Pelicans Haiku by Keitha Keyes

English Original

Spanish galleon --
a squadron of pelicans
on the lake

Windfall, 8, 2020

Keitha Keyes 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

西班牙大帆船 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

西班牙大帆船 --

Bio Sketch

Keitha Keyes lives in Sydney, surrounded by antique irons and ship models. She enjoys writing tanka, haiku, senryu, cherita and related genres. Her work is published in many journals and anthologies in Australia and overseas.

1 comment:

  1. The contrast between Spanish "galleons" (originally as warships then later for trade)and a "squadron" of "pelicans" is interestingly fresh and lighthearted.

    A fine example of haiku with the thematic focus on "hai."
