Sunday, July 24, 2022

Butterfly Dream: Meadow in Bloom Haiku by Denis M. Garrison

English Original

meadow in bloom
the tallest wildflowers 
surround a carcass

Simply Haiku, 4:2, Summer 2006

Denis M. Garrison

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Denis M. Garrison, from Iowa, now lives in Maryland. His childhood was spent in Japan, youth in Europe, Africa and western Pacific. His poetry’s widely published. Garrison’s print collections include First Winter RainEight Shades of BlueHidden RiverSailor in the Rain and Other Poems, and Fire Blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. The buildup to the last line is unexpected yet thematically significant and visually and emotionally poignant, sparking the reader's emotions and reflection on "life (Ls 1&2) vs death (L3) in nature."

    Denis's "life vs death" haiku reminds me of the following thematically similar an tonally slightly different one by him:

    long grasses sway
    over these prairie graves
    a pallid sky

    Ambrosia, 1, Autumn 2008
