Saturday, January 28, 2023

Butterfly Dream: All Night Snow Haiku by Kirsty Karkow

English Original

all night snow
I listen to mouse feet
across the attics

shorelines, 2007

Kirsty Karkow

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Kirsty Karkow lived in Waldoboro, Maine, where she wrote haiku, sijo, tanka, and other short forms. Lyrical, poignant, and spare, her poetry reflected a rich and deep sense of place and spirit. Her haiku have won the Mainichi and the R.H Blyth Award and placed in other contests. And she had two best-selling books in print: water poems: haiku, tanka and sijo and shorelines: haiku, haibun and tanka , published by Black Cat Press.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the tone and mood of this snow haiku, while Ls 2&3 are layered with multiple meanings, i.e., responses to the sound of mouse feet across the attic, such as scared, disgusted, frustrated, ...even soothed (because of the only living creature accompanying the speaker who is snowed in all night).

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparative reading of my haiku below:

    home alone
    to the snowlight

    Featured Poet, Coviews, January, 2017
