Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Poetic Musings: Lost Homeland Tanka by Chen-ou Liu

ten years later 
back to my country of birth 
an immigrant again 
unmoored by longing 
for a lost homeland

Honorable Mention, The British Haiku Society Awards 2022

Chen-ou Liu

Commentary (by the Judge): We live in a state of flux. The poet examines how time changes our memories and expectations until they become at odds with the present. In discovering this we develop more empathy for others.

Note: My tanka sequence below, In Taipei, I still long for Taipei, could be read as a further exploration of "how time changes our memories and expectations until they become at odds with the present:"

In Taipei, I still long for Taipei

ten years past
and alone in the moonlight
I have changed
and my hometown has changed
but we haven't changed together

I try to change
this idea of my hometown
people pass me by
with their eyes speaking in a code
that is foreign to me

the vendor asks,
are you from mainland China?
the look in his eyes
speaks the language
of a border guard

this journey
back to my hometown
with another one
on the road of no return

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