Sunday, July 9, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Selfie Haiku by Milan Rajkumar

English Original

food bank
the Minister's selfie 
with the poor

Cattails, October 2020

Milan Rajkumar

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Milan Rajkumar is a  secondary school teacher who teaches economics while writing haiku. He lives in a corner of the north eastern India. Genetically a mongoloid by look and food, he speaks a Tibeto-Burman language known as 'Manipuri' ‘Meiteilon’.  Writing is his passion since childhood. Nowadays he writes haiku every day and night.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets this timely and sociopolitically important theme while visually and emotionally poignant Ls 2&3 speak volume not only about what kind of politician the Minister is but also what kind of society we live in.

    This fine haiku reminds me of one of mine below that deals with a similar issue:

    gala dinner
    the new mayor talks
    of the have-nots

    Editor's Choice Senryu, Cattails, April 2017

    And my haiku below could be read as a prequel to Milan's:

    the manager's look
    at these half-empty shelves ...
    the food bank's doorbell rings

    NeverEnding Story, November 21 2022
