Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Super Bowl Haiku by Michael Henry Lee

English Original

super bowl
queso and chips remain
an odds on favorite

Editor's Choice, Cattails, April 2021 

Michael Henry Lee

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Michael Henry Lee lives in  Saint Augustine Florida with his wife of over fourty years and their rescue cat Bob. Lee is an internationally published award winning haiku poet, photographer and collage artist. Lee also serves as the South East Co-ordinator for the Haiku Society of America.

1 comment:

  1. The Super Bowl is the final game of American football after a year of fierce competition between the contenders. Typically, apart from the frenzy with which the spectators cheer their favorite teams a great deal of money is made and lost by sportsmen who gamble heavily on the outcome of the game. In this context we are informed by the poet with a straight face that the real odds on favorites are quesco and chips. No surprise there! I remember as a youngster watching the cricket match on television before getting down to the game the first thing I did was arrange for the snacks. Far better even than watching a thrilling test match on TV was watching a thrilling test match on TV while munching potato chips and gulping chilled Coke. Yes sir! I not only understand the poet's dilemma but can empathize fully too.

    -- excerpted from the Editor's Commentary, accessed at
