Thursday, September 14, 2023

One Man's Maple Moon: Makeup Tanka by Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo

English Original

petal after petal
red on red
how many
layers of makeup
to look undead

Special Feature:Work, Tanka Society of America, April 2023

Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified) 


Bio Sketch

Lorelyn is a self-published Filipino author of Twin deLights: Haikuna Matata and Hainaku! It's Pundemic! I am Balot. Acovida dito. Her poetry has been published in anthologies and journals, such as The Haiku Foundation, Presence, Mainichi, ESUJ-H, and Lothlorien Poetry Journal.

1 comment:

  1. There is an implied, visually and emotionally resonant simile effectively established between "red petals falling on red petals, Ls 1&2 and "layer upon layer of makeup," Ls 3&4.

    And the "rhetorical question" raised in Ls 3-5 reveals not only the N's frustration (as indicated in, L3 how "many") but also her protest/outcry (as implied from L5, "look" "undead.")

    It might be interesting to do a thematic comparative reading of my poem below:

    the new hire
    dressed in a burka ...
    for three months
    everyone notices her
    but no one sees her

    Failed Haiku, 8:90, June 2023

    FYI: UCI School of Social Sciences, June 7, 2018: "Women who wear makeup at work are getting paid more, according to study," accessed at

    And The Muse, June 19, 2020: "Does Your Makeup Matter at Work?"

    The study, conducted by researchers at Boston University and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, found that women who don a “professional” amount of makeup in the office were regarded as “capable, reliable, and amiable,” and ultimately, “more competent” than those women who shunned the use of it... accessed at
