Friday, September 15, 2023

Poetic Musings: Inbreath and Outbreath Haiku by Robert MacLean

inbreath at the tip of my nostrils cool
outbreath warm

Wintermoon, 2022

Robert MacLean

Commentary: This two-line haiku reads like a poetic rendering of "mindful breathing," which means slowly and gently focusing one's attention on the breath -- noticing the breath coming in, L1 and going out, L2. And the contrasts (in vs out and cool vs warm) between L1 and L2 and the sensory details enhance the emotional aspect of this meditation haiku.

And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparative reading of my haiku below about mindful breathing in and out in relation to one's surroundings:

starlit sky ...
breathe in, breathe out
the silence

tsuri-dōrō , 6, Nov/Dec 2021

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