Friday, December 15, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Noon Whistle Haiku by H. Gene Murtha

English Original

noon whistle --
a candy bar
snaps in two

Magnapoets, 4, July 2009

H. Gene Murtha 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

中午的哨聲 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

中午的哨声 --

Bio Sketch

H. Gene Murtha, a naturalist and poet, sponsored and judged the first haiku contest for the inner city children of Camden, NJ., for the Virgilio Group, of which he was a lifetime member. He was widely published for his work in haikai literature from the USA to Japan. 

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the tone and mood of the haiku while concretely multisensory Ls 2&3 shows a sweet and heartwarming moment with someone (as implied from L3) the N shares a candy bar.
