Friday, March 1, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Backyard Orchard Haiku by Praniti Gulyani

English Original

backyard orchard ...
the ever-changing scent
of the breeze
Praniti Gulyani 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

後院的果園 ...

Translation result


Chinese Translation (Simplified)

后院的果园 ...

Bio Sketch

An avid practitioner of the Japanese short forms of poetry, Praniti Gulyani aspires to become a full time writer when she grows up. She has published a print collection of haiku, and an ebook of haibun, both of which have been reviewed by world renowned haiku poets.


  1. The multi-sensorily evocative jux. is emotionally effective and L2, the "ever-changing" scent, makes this haiku, indicating that there are many blooming flowers or flowering trees in the neighborhood.

    A fine spring or summer haiku!

    1. written in response to Seamus Heaney's view of poetry in times of crises and after Praniti Gulyani

      In a war situation or where violence and injustice are prevalent, "poetry is called upon to be something more than a thing of beauty."

      the ever-changing
      smell of the winter wind
      Rafah's tent camp

      FYI: Haaretz, Feb. 29: 'Death Is Everywhere': In Gaza, You May Skirt Israel's Bombs, but That Doesn't Mean You're Alive, accessed at

      ...Death and destruction were everywhere, with the horrifying smell of flowing sewage and rotting bodies with flies and other insects above them...We walked quietly; most of the people walking marched in silence without looking right or left...
