Monday, July 15, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Oak Tree Roots Haiku by Jerome Berglund

English Original

exposed oak tree roots ...
how many times 
could I have been happy 

Jerome Berglund

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

裸露的橡樹根 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified) 

裸露的橡树根 ...

Bio Sketch

Jerome Berglund has many tanka exhibited and forthcoming online and in print, most recently in Creative Inspirations, Five Fleas, Fresh Out, Ribbons, Songbirds, and Take 5ive.  His first full-length collection of poetry, Bathtub Poems, was released by Setu Press.

1 comment:

  1. The possible answer(s) to the rhetorical question raised in Ls 2&3 is/are hinted at in symbolically rich and visually and emotionally poignant L1.

    And my haiku below could be read a sequel to Jerome's:

    moon glow ...
    could-haves slip to the back
    of my mind

    Frogpond, 46:2, Spring/Summer, 2023
