Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Redwood Shadows Haiku by Dru Philippou

English Original

afternoon sun
redwood shadows lean
into my childhood

Tinywords, Writing Prompt Winner, 14:1, March 2014

Dru Philippou

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified) 


Bio Sketch

Dru Philippou lives in northern New Mexico, where hiking in the desert wilderness nourishes her spirit and her writing. Her haibun “Afterlife” won first place in the Haiku Society of America’s 2021 Haibun Awards. Also, her haibun “Pilgrimage” won first place in 2023 in the same contest. She is the author of A Place to Land, a tanka prose memoir.

1 comment:

  1. The shift, from the natural world to the speaker's mindscape, from the physical/visual to the mental, in L3 makes this redwood/nature haiku emotionally effective and highly relatable.

    The sentiment conveyed in Dru's fine haiku reminds me of the following tanka:

    as a child
    I thought I'd never grow up
    now it seems
    I've wandered forever
    in this redwood forest

    The Tanka Journal, 39, 2011

    Peggy Heinrich

    And my haiku below could be read as a prequel to Dru's:

    the scent
    of dappled sunlight
    redwood hike

    Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, 5:2, Spring/Summer 2022
