Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Room of My Own: One Hedge Away Haiku

alone by the window ...
my love, one hedge away

FYI: This haiku could be read as a sequel to my 2-line haiku sequence below:


simmering heat 
every touch of her

you ask, I answer
last light of day

my body alone
night chill deepening

And my haiku below could be read as a sequel to the haiku above:

lone face in the window ...
a full moon of one love ago

Added: Game Show, 2024, LX

the what-ifs
swirling around in my  mind
smeared campaign signs

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, XCII: "town of rubble"

against a town of rubble
Gazan boy with one arm

FYI: Associated Press, July 11: We have nothing': Palestinians return to utter destruction in Gaza City after Israeli withdrawal

Nearly every building was flattened to rubble for block after block, leaving giant piles of concrete and twisted rebar. Here and there, grey gutted concrete frames still stood a few stories high. The ever-present buzzing sound of Israeli military drones hung in the hot summer air as people on bicycles or horse-drawn carts made their way over dirt paths where the streets had apparently been bulldozed away.

The Wall Street Journal, March 18:Gaza Amputees Fight for Survival in Hospitals Hollowed Out by War

Doctors, running low on painkillers and antibiotics, struggle to treat thousands of Palestinians who have lost limbs

For example, in 2019, Israeli forces open-fired on Palestinian protestors resulting in 120 amputations, 20 of which were children.

To help with the amputee crisis in Gaza, the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) has created the Gaza Amputee Project to help provide surgery, treatment, and prostheses for child amputees.

Added: This Brave New World, CXV
written in response to Democracy Now, August 29: "Gender Apartheid": Taliban Approves Law in Afghanistan Requiring Women Remain Silent in Public

Taliban bans ...
a girl in red on the rooftop
against the Kabul sunset 
as if there were no tomorrow

FYI: The Taliban government in Afghanistan is drawing renewed outrage over a new law banning women's voices in public, forcing them to completely cover their bodies and faces out of the home, and more. This comes after the Taliban banned women from working in most fields and ended girls' education past primary school following their takeover of the country in 2021.

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