Thursday, August 8, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Night Crossing Haiku by Neal Whitman

English Original

night crossing
Tijuana border guard
in dark glasses

First Prize, Haiku Society of America Senryu Award, 2014

Neal Whitman 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Neal Whitman lives with his wife, Elaine, in Pacific Grove, California, where he is a docent at Point Pinos Lighthouse. Visitors who come there from near and far inspire him to write poetry that takes the “particular" to convey the “universal". Neal is Vice President of the United Haiku and Tanka Society.

1 comment:

  1. This senryu sets the scene in an evocative way. We consider the word “sunglasses” to be the keystone without which there would be no poem. We can take this senryu on different levels.

    The poem speaks to us because it indicates the deliberate “blindness” of the border guard towards the illegals crossing the border. When we think of the border guard wearing sun- glasses at night, this can also evoke the image of a “shady” person—pun intended. Is he/she a criminal? Or, if the person wears shades, but isn’t “shady,” perhaps he is trying to pass himself off to others as the epitome of cool or toughness as an enforcer.

    -- excerpted from the judge's comments, accessed at
