Thursday, September 26, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Quiet Dawn Haiku by Mohammad Azim Khan

English Original

quiet dawn ...
a muezzin tiptoes
up the minaret

Editor's Choice, The Heron's Nest, 21:2, June 2019

Mohammad Azim Khan

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

安靜的黎明 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

安静的黎明 ...

Bio Sketch

Mohammad Azim Khan is a retired UN official who has travelled to many war-torn countries to oversee relief and disaster operations. He graduated from Peshawar University with Master's degrees in both English Literature and Economics. He has since developed a special interest in haiku and tanka. And he has published many poems in journals around the world.

1 comment:

  1. A serene sense of faith/religiosity is effectively conveyed through this multi-sensorily evocative jux. of L1 and Ls 2&3.

    And the haiku below could be read as its sequel:

    the muezzin’s voice
    breaks on the high note
    Ramadan moon

    Frogpond, 40:3, Autumn 2012

    David Grayson
