Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Poetic Musings: Forty-Odd Autumns Haiku by Michele Root-Bernstein

he digs
            I daffodil
forty-odd autumns

Kingfisher, 7, 2023

Michele Root-Bernstein  

Commentary: Structurally and syntactically speaking, Nichele's haiku alludes to the following haiku about the departure of friends:

I go
      you stay --
two autumns 

Masaoka Shiki (often wrongly attributed to Yosa Buson)

Thematically speaking, L3 makes this seasonal activity described in Ls 1&2 an intimate, decades-long bonding between a couple. And this denominal verb, daffodil, fresh and natural, fits smoothly with the verb in L1,"digs," and it is layered with multiple meanings: the speaker is plopping daffodil bulbs into the holes that her partner is digging or she is "flowering" in some way...

For more examples about denominalization, a practice of using a noun as a verb, see To the Lighthouse, Denominalization

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