Sunday, October 6, 2024

Poetic Musings: Smell of Gaza's Air Haiku by Chen-ou Liu

smell of Gaza's air
the ravens blizzard
to blast craters

NeverEnding Story, August 22 2024

Commentary: The noun, "blizzard," which originally means a severe snowstorm with "high winds and low visibility," is used to be an action verb to describe "cloud after cloud of black ravens" flying fast, L2,  to blast craters, L3, in war-torn Gaza that smells badly, L1, because of rotting/rotten body parts buried under rubble , scattered garbage, raw sewage ... under the scorching heat.

This denominal verb, blizzard, not only shows the FORCE and IMPACT, visual and psychological, of ravens flying fast to rotting/rotten body parts, but also sends a CHILL down the reader's spine.

In contrast with my shasei (sketch from life), more descriptive/static, haiku below:

calm between fireballs ...
moonlit ravens' kraa-kraa-kraa

NeverEnding Story, October 4 2024

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