Thursday, December 3, 2015

One Man's Maple Moon: Faith Tanka by Ignatius Fay

English Original

my aunt, a nun,
encouraged me to think,
to question --
lacking answers
I lost the faith

Ignatius Fay

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

去質疑 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

去质疑 --

Bio Sketch

Ignatius Fay is a retired invertebrate paleontologist. His poems have appeared in many of the most respected online and print journals, including The Heron’s Nest, Modern Haiku, Ars Poetica, Gusts, Chrysanthemum and Eucalypt. Books: Breccia (2012), a collaboration with fellow haiku poet, Irene Golas; Points In Between (2011), an anecdotal history of his first 23 years. He is the new editor of the Haiku Society of America Bulletin. Ignatius resides in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

1 comment:

  1. The tanka captures attention with the honesty and clarity of the first three lines, then takes flight with the ground-shaking statement stated in the last two lines, demonstrating a paradigmatic example of the struggle/"conflict" between faith and reason.

    This poem reminds me of the remark made by Søren Kierkegaard, one of the fathers of existentialism and a theologian known for the concept of "leap of faith:"

    Without risk, no faith... If I am able to apprehend God objectively, I do not have faith; but because I cannot do this, I must have faith.
