Friday, November 25, 2016

Butterfly Dream: Whistle of Wind Haiku by Steve Addiss

English Original

geese in the clouds
ducks at lake’s edge --
the whistle of wind

Steve Addiss

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

湖邊的鴨子 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

湖边的鸭子 --

Bio Sketch

The haiku and haiga of Stephen Addiss have appeared widely.  His books include Cloud Calligraphy, A Haiku Menagerie, The Art of Zen, Haiga: Haiku-Painting, The Art of Chinese Calligraphy, Haiku People, A Haiku Garden, Haiku Humor, Tao Te Ching, Japanese Calligraphy, Haiku: An Anthology, and The Art of Haiku.

1 comment:

  1. An evocative shasei haiku tightly structured with an emotional undercurrent!

    This poem could be read as a mood haiku.
