Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Butterfly Dream: Oil Slick Rainbows Haiku by Lorin Ford

English Original

old pond
      oil slick rainbows
          slip in

tinywords, 15:2, 2016

Lorin Ford

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Past publisher and editor of A Hundred Gourds, Lorin Ford is initiator and convenor of the Red Kelpie Haiku Group, which meets in Melbourne, Australia. Selections of her haiku are anthologized in, eg. Haiku in English, Where the River Goes , Haiku21 and Nest Feathers. Her book, a wattle seedpod ,won first place in the 2009 HSA Merit Book Awards.

1 comment:

  1. The old ("old pond") and the new ("oil slick rainbows") are put into a scene that is sad and colorful at the same time. And thematically and structurally speaking, Lorin's timely and environmentally conscious haiku effectively makes a parodic allusion to Basho's famous "old pond" haiku.
