Sunday, February 2, 2020

Butterfly Dream: Another Birthday Haiku by Damir Janjalija

English Original

another birthday
one by one, sakura petals
carried by the breeze

Runner up, 2017 International Cherry Blossom Haiku Contest

Damir Janjalija

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Damir Janjalija (aka Damir Damir) was born on November 6, 1977 in today's non-existent Yugoslavia. A sailor by profession, a poet by vocation, and a dharma bum by choice. He published three collections of haiku: Imprints of dreams, Freedom in the mist and Filigree Memories. His poems have been published in many significant contemporary haiku anthologies, both in the country and abroad. He is the winner of several international haiku awards.

1 comment:

  1. L1, "another" birthday(not emotionally significant or joyful day in one's life), sets the tone and mood while the visually poignant and symbolically rich image of drifting cherry blossoms of Ls 2&3 highlights the brevity of life theme.
