Saturday, February 29, 2020

Butterfly Dream: Leap Year Haiku by Marita Gargiulo

English Original

leap year --
I move to the empty
side of the bed

Presence, 61, 2018

Marita Gargiulo

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

閏年 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

闰年 --

Bio Sketch

Marita Gargiulo found haiku at MIT in the 70’s while editing a poetry magazine. She was the guest editor for The Haiku Foundation, featuring “pan-artistic” haiku, and organized poetry events with her local arts commission and symphony orchestra. In 2019, her haibun won third place in the HSA’s Annual Haibun Contest.

1 comment:

  1. Marita's haiku is tightly structured with an emotional undercurrent (a sense of aloneness/loneliness), and her use of enjambment is emotionally effective.
