Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Room of My Own: We have already won Tanka

the opening tanka of my new tanka sequence, Nothing Less Real Than Reality, written in response to the new Reality Show produced by the White House

Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that MAGA hat wearers get at the Real Meaning of things
-- paraphrasing my favourite artist, Georgia O'Keeffe


the president
claims, we have already won ...
a stray dog
in the lamppost shadow
answering another

Added: Nothing Less Real Than RealityII

the President yells
they're finding Biden votes
all over the place --
my Champ cocks his leg
under the Four More Years sign

FYI: Joe Biden has a dog of the same name, Champ (short for Champion), and he is nearing 270 electoral votes...

1 comment:

  1. Media Responses:

    "Trumped!Whoever wins, this squeaker of an election already signals the biggest loser — the Divided States of America."

    The biggest loser was America itself. The Divided States of America is now a reality. Trump speaks for half of the country, and Biden speaks for the other half. And Americans seem to know it is a house put asunder by mutually exclusive ideologies.

    Michael Harris, The Tyee contributing editor, accessed at

    Biden May Win, but Trump Remains the President of Red America: His attacks on “the rigged election” are a worst-case scenario for the country.

    Donald Trump’s incessant questioning of the basic institutions of our government has produced his desired result: a superpower no longer trusting of its own democracy

    Susan B. Glasser, The New Yorker, accessed at
