Saturday, August 5, 2023

One Man's Maple Moon: Sweet Ether Tanka by Aya Yuhki

English Original

words stray
and float in the space 
of sweet ether
between the moon in the sky
and the moon in the pond

Gusts, 36, Fall/Winter 2022

Aya Yuhki 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Aya Yuhki was born and now lives in Tokyo. She started writing tanka more than thirty years ago and has expanded her interests to include free verse poetry, essay writing, and literary criticism. Aya Yuhki is Editor-in-Chief of The Tanka Journal published by the Japan Poets’ Society. Her works are featured on the homepage of the Japan Pen Club’s Electronic Library.

1 comment:

  1. Written in figurative language, Aya's tanka effectively builds, line by line, to an unexpected yet thematically significant and visually and emotionally evocative ending that reveals the theme of the power/effects of language: how words shape reality (L4), illusion (L5), and anything in between (Ls, 2&3), "the space of sweet ether."

    And syntactic parallelism employed in Ls 4&5 adds psychological depth to the tanka.

    And this tanka reminds me of the following one:

    upon the water --
    why do we
    give ourselves over to
    beautiful illusions?

    Gusts, 15, Spring/Summer 2012

    Joyce Wong

    Wong’s effective use of a rhetorical question emotionally enhances the suggestive power of the poem, especially of the upper verse, which alludes to a Chinese idiom: “flowers in the mirror and the moon on the water (Chinese: 鏡花水月; Japanese: Kyōka Suigetsu)”
