Monday, October 2, 2023

Special Feature: Selected Tanka for National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

My Dear Readers:

The month of October has been recognized internationally as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, also known as Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Month. 


Survivors sat in shame, and society often looked away from what people too often dismissed as a “family affair.” 

Here are the tanka selected for your reflection on this important yet difficult issue:

a winter fog
smothers the winding road
to her mother's house
the bruises on her face
say everything & nothing

Bulgarian and English Tanka Handbook, 2022

Chen-ou Liu

my neighbor 
rubbing the thickened skin
of her scar ...
her husband cuts off my question
and she replies, I just fell

Chen-ou Liu

you ask 
about this bruise 
the color of a crow 
I wave my hand 
like a wing, wounded

Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka, III, 2010

Angie LaPaglia 

as her memory
the family ghosts
out of the closet

Honorable Mention, 2014 TSA International Tanka Contest                

Celia Stuart-Powles
the scar
of an open-cut mine
the wounds
that remind me
I am still alive                                                                        

Eucalypt, 22, 2017

Carole Harrison 

To conclude today's post, I would like to share with you the following two Inspirational Domestic Violence Quotes:

You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.

-- John Mark Green

You can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, they step forward and share their truth so others know they aren’t alone. 

-- Jeanne McElvaney


1 comment:

  1. Chen ... wonderful tribute. These are hard hitting and honest. We must stop the silence. Thank you for this. xo stace
