Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Empty Shelf Haiku by Kirsty Karkow

English Original

empty shelf --
dusty outlines of books
my parents read

The Heron's Nest, 3:4,  April 2001

Kirsty Karkow

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

空架子 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

空架子 --

Bio Sketch

Kirsty Karkow lived in Waldoboro, Maine, where she wrote haiku, sijo, tanka, and other short forms. Lyrical, poignant, and spare, her poetry reflected a rich and deep sense of place and spirit. Her haiku have won the Mainichi and the R.H Blyth Award and placed in other contests. And she had two best-selling books in print: water poems: haiku, tanka and sijo and shorelines: haiku, haibun and tanka , published by Black Cat Press.

1 comment:

  1. The jux. of an "empty [book]shelf/L1" and "dusty outlines of books/L2" is visually evocative and L3, "my parents read [in long bygone years as implied from "dusty" in L2]," adds emotional weight to the haiku about [at least two] types of absence -- the absence of the speaker's parents and the absence of the books.

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of my senryu below:

    reading alone
    a room of books filled
    with dead voices

    Failed Haiku, 2:23, 2017
