Thursday, September 4, 2014

Butterfly Dream: Ripples Haiku by Simon Hanson

English Original

ripples on the pond
the moon
reassembles itself

Frogpond, 36:1, Winter 2013

Simon Hanson

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Simon Hanson lives in country South Australia enjoying the open spaces and nearby coastal environments.  He is excited by the natural world and relishes moments of the numinous in ordinary things. He is published in various journals and anthologies and never realised how much the moon meant to him until he started writing haiku.

1 comment:

  1. It is not a typical haiku that "[records] the essence of a moment keenly perceived" (HSA haiku definition, 2004). It takes much longer time and patience to see "the moon [that was once fragmented by "ripples on the pond"] / reassembles itself." The close attention the narrator paid says something about his/her state of mind/mood at the time. Simon's haiku works effectively on two levels, literal and figurative, inviting the reader to see something that lurks beneath the surface.
