Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Butterfly Dream: Summer Thunder Haiku by Ken Sawitri

English Original

summer thunder --
the ice cream ads
after a war newsbreak

The Mainichi Daily News, September 3, 2014

Ken Sawitri

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

夏日雷鳴 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

夏日雷鸣 --

Bio Sketch

Ken Sawitri completed her degree in psychology at the University of Indonesia in 1993. Her haiku won the Second Prize in the 2013 Diogen Summer Haiku Contest. She dedicated her haiku for her motherland  in Listen The Spice Whispers, Haiku from Indonesian Archipelago and recorded her journey in the haiku posted at http://thisissawitri.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. A deeply devastating poem, it brings the natural world and human loss into abrupt conjunction! The sudden shift in theme at the end of the poem sparks the reader's emotions and reflection.
