Monday, September 5, 2016

Butterfly Dream: Turtle Path Haiku by Kat Lehmann

English Original

turtle path she found her way home

hedgerow, 22, 2015

Kat Lehmann

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Kat Lehmann lives in Connecticut, USA, by the river where she writes. She is a scientist and a poet who enjoys exploring the unity of both perspectives of nature. Her work has been published in both poetry and science journals. Her first book of poetry, Moon Full of Moons, was published in February 2015 by Peaceful Daily. Visit her on twitter (@SongsOfKat).

1 comment:

  1. Combined with this symbolically rich creature, turtle, who carries its home/world on its back, Kat's emotionally evocative one-line haiku sparks the reader's reflection on the concept of home/homing.
