Saturday, January 5, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Worry Beads Haiku by Mary Kendall

English Original

worry beads --
one by one I parse
your silence

Under the Basho, November 2016

Mary Kendall

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

操心串珠 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

操心串珠 --

Bio Sketch

Mary Kendall lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is a retired teacher and the author of two books, A Giving Garden (co-authored with Debbie Suggs) and Erasing the Doubt, a chapbook of free verse. Her poetry blog is called A Poet in Time.

1 comment:

  1. The juxtaposition of worry beads (as an amulet to guard against bad luck) and silence is emotionally resonant, and what's left unsaid is at least as potent as what's said.
