Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Butterfly Dream: Old Bookshop Haiku by Rachel Sutcliffe

English Original

old bookshop
shelves stacked deep
in silence

Ephemerae,  Autumn 2018

Rachel Sutcliffe

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Rachel Sutcliffe had suffered from a serious immune disorder for over 16 years; throughout  this time writing had been her therapy, and it kept her from going insane! She was an active member of the British Haiku Society and has been published in various journals including  Prune Juice, Failed Haiku and Hedgerow.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the scene while Ls 2&3 reveal the fate of an independent bookstore in an era of e-commerce/Amazon.

    It might be interesting to do a comparative reading of Michael Dylan Welch's concrete haiku about bookshelves, "Butterfly Dream: Bookshelves Haiku by Michael Dylan Welch," accessed at http://neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.com/2015/01/butterfly-dream-bookshelves-haiku.html
