Saturday, July 25, 2020

One Man's Maple Moon: Hill Tanka by Fumiko Nakajo

English Original

that hill
shaped like the breast
I have lost
will be adorned
with dead flowers in winter

Breasts of Snow, 2004

Fumiko Nakajo

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Fumiko Nakajo (中城ふみ子, 1922-54) was a strong-willed woman who lived a tragic life. She died from breast cancer at the age of 32, just few months after her first collection of 50 tanka, titled Chibusa Soshitsu (The Loss of Breasts), won the first prize in a nationwide contest sponsored by a major magazine. She is, though almost unknown outside of Japan, considered to be the third in the three most famous Japanese female poets in the last century, right up there with Akiko Yosano and Machi Tawara.

1 comment:

  1. The shift (L3, "I have lost"), thematic, visual, and tonal, in the middle of this heart-wrenching tanka, bookended by "that hill" and "with dead flowers in winter," is poignantly effective, adding emotional weight and psychological depth to the tanka.

    And my tanka below could be read as a prequel to Fumiko's:

    after surgery
    both of us said nothing...
    her red bra
    in the corner of my mind
    begins to change color

    2nd Place, the 60th Annual Contest 2012 held by Pennsylvania Poetry Society
