Friday, January 8, 2021

Butterfly Dream: Prayer Beads Haiku by Lucy Whitehead

English Original

the click
of crystal prayer beads
winter rain

Otata, 38, February, 2019

Lucy Whitehead
Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)

Bio Sketch

Lucy Whitehead's haiku have been published in Acorn, Autumn Moon Haiku, bones, Frogpond, hedgerow, Modern Haiku, Otata, Presence, Prune Juice, The Heron's Nest, and tinywords among other journals and in various anthologies including a hole in the light: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2018. Twitter @blueirispoetry.

1 comment:

  1. The implied contrast between the click of prayer beads and the pitter patter of rain makes this multi-sensory haiku emotionally effective, and on a second reading, the rain in the cold winter effectively enhances the tone and mood of the haiku.

    And it might be interesting to do a comparative reading of the following prayer/worry bead haiku:

    harvest moon
    the prayer beads
    worn smooth

    Acorn, 22, Spring 2009

    H. Gene Murtha

    worry beads --
    one by one I parse
    your silence

    Under the Basho, November 2016

    Mary Kendall
